Wake Up, Canada

This month we learned of the financial difficulties of an important Canadian coffee company – Salt Spring Coffee, based in Richmond, BC. Since 1996, they’ve done things the right way—B Corp certified, committed to sustainability, and producing coffee that’s better than most of what’s on Canadian grocery store shelves. But nearly 30 years of doing business the right way wasn’t enough. Why?

Because every day, Canadians choose foreign coffee brands over homegrown options that are usually better and competitively priced. And every time that happens, Canadian jobs, Canadian businesses, and the Canadian economy take a hit.

The Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. shares some similarities with Salt Spring. As the #1 Canadian premium coffee, we, too are proudly Canadian, B Corp certified, and leaders in sustainability. The major difference is that all our manufacturing is done in-house, which has allowed us to lead the way with innovations like compostable pods and capsules—all while maintaining complete control over our quality. That, along with an unrelenting focus on the Canadian premium coffee consumer, has led to our growth.

Yet, despite being the #1 Canadian premium coffee, we are just a fraction of the size of the foreign brands that control over 95% of sales in Canadian grocery stores. Most of these brands are manufactured in the USA. To be clear, we are talking about brands like Starbucks, Folgers, Maxwell House, Nabob, and Melitta. And these foreign giants are experts at avoiding taxes in countries like Canada.

As Canadians, it’s time we wake up. Let’s stop waiting for politicians or grocery chains to fix the problem. We, as consumers, have the power to create the change we seek. It’s as simple as reaching for a different coffee brand on the shelf. It doesn’t even have to be Muskoka Roastery—just choose Canadian. And if your store doesn’t stock a Canadian brand you want, ask for it - grocery stores stock what sells, and consumer demand influences what’s available on the shelves. Finally, don’t be misled by foreign companies wrapping themselves in Canadiana - either a company is Canadian-owned and operated, or it isn’t. Either they manufacture here or they don’t. There’s no grey area.

If you already choose to support Muskoka Roastery for some of these very reasons, then thank you for being part of the solution. Not convinced? That’s okay—we can agree to disagree. Importantly, if this has opened your eyes and you’re ready to stir things up, then we only have one thing to say – let’s act now! 

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